Nurture safe outdoor play with this risk assessment

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As we venture into the great outdoors, let’s prioritise safety every step of the way! 🌳🔎

Risk can be a scary word, especially when thinking about young children. Don’t worry, we’re here to demystify the concept of risk for you. Here is an assessment to help you take a closer look at the outdoor learning environment through a safety lens to minimise potential risks. From site access and security, to physical features, living things, and weather elements, we’ll help you identify and address potential hazards for a secure outdoor learning experience.

We have added considerations and steps that will empower you to ensure that your outdoor area is a space that will foster natural connection, physical activity, curiosity, wonder, and ultimately – health and wellbeing for all participants!

Use this resource to:

  • Collaborate with colleagues to assess the outdoor space, using guiding questions to spot potential hazards
  • Use the risk assessment template to document the process, putting in measures to reduce hazards and ensure safety
  • Save and incorporate these documents in your ongoing outdoor learning practice, prioritizing safety
Lisa Kane
Director of Early Years Curriculum at Toddle

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Lisa Kane
Lisa is a passionate early years educator, having found her way into the field after being fascinated by the rapid and wondrous development in the first years of her own children’s lives. Following these curiosities has taken her through a degree and post-grad in Early Years education, and clocking up over 20 years of hands-on experience in a variety of international school settings. Lisa believes that learning is co-constructed alongside the smallest humans, and is energised by the curiosity, awe and wonder they generate.
Risk Assessment for Safe Outdoor Play
As we venture into the great outdoors, let's prioritise safety every step of the way! 🌳🔎 Risk can be a scary word, especially when thinking about young children. Don't worry, we're here to demystify the concept of risk for you. Here is an assessment to help you take a closer look at the outdoor learning environment through a safety lens to minimise potential risks. From site access and security, to physical features, living things, and weather elements, we'll help you identify and address potential hazards for a secure outdoor learning experience. We have added considerations and steps that will empower you to ensure that your outdoor area is a space that will foster natural connection, physical activity, curiosity, wonder, and ultimately - health and wellbeing for all participants!