As we venture into the great outdoors, let’s prioritise safety every step of the way! 🌳🔎
Risk can be a scary word, especially when thinking about young children. Don’t worry, we’re here to demystify the concept of risk for you. Here is an assessment to help you take a closer look at the outdoor learning environment through a safety lens to minimise potential risks. From site access and security, to physical features, living things, and weather elements, we’ll help you identify and address potential hazards for a secure outdoor learning experience.
We have added considerations and steps that will empower you to ensure that your outdoor area is a space that will foster natural connection, physical activity, curiosity, wonder, and ultimately – health and wellbeing for all participants!
Use this resource to:
- Collaborate with colleagues to assess the outdoor space, using guiding questions to spot potential hazards
- Use the risk assessment template to document the process, putting in measures to reduce hazards and ensure safety
- Save and incorporate these documents in your ongoing outdoor learning practice, prioritizing safety