Simple materials pique children's curiosity to play, tinker, experiment, break, design, make, redesign, move, carry, combine, and engage in self-initiated actions. In this unit, children will explore various materials such as paper, clay, rocks, blocks, wire, wood, cloth, and more. They will interact with these materials by rolling, stacking, placing, constructing, tearing, squishing, and transforming them. 🧱🔖🪵🍞🎨
They will dig deeper into the properties of materials, how they can change, and how they can be used to build and create. Children will make connections across different areas of learning and:
- Discover the properties of materials using their senses
- Understand that materials behave differently depending on their use
- Sort materials based on their similarities and differences
- Use an expanded vocabulary to describe the properties of materials
- Build and create using materials
- Use materials to express their ideas and feelings
Teaching teams will get access to in-depth learning experiences, assessment tools, checklists, graphic organisers, visual resources, environment set-up ideas, and more.